23 The New Zealand Soil Classification
Classifying a profile according to the NZSC (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024) requires the following steps:
- Identify diagnostic features
- Follow the Key to Soil Orders
- Follow the Keys to Group and Subgroup
23.1 Identifying Diagnostic features
The descriptive parameters that help define the NZSC Diagnostic features are outlined in Table 23.1; see (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024) for the full definitions. Any or all of the listed parameters may be required for a confident diagnosis.
Diagnostic feature | Identification requirements |
Horizons, pans and layers | |
Argillic horizon |
Brittle-B horizon |
Calcareous horizon |
Cutanic horizon | |
Cutanoxidic horizon |
Densipan |
Distinct topsoil |
Duripan |
Eluvial horizon | |
Fragipan |
Humus-pan | |
Ironstone-pan |
Nodular horizon | |
Ortstein-pan |
Oxidic Horizon |
Peaty topsoil | |
Placic horizon |
Podzolic-B horizon |
Redox-mottled horizon | |
Reductimorphic horizon | |
Slowly permeable layer |
Weathered-B horizon |
Soil materials and contacts | |
Allophanic soil material |
Anthropic soil material |
Lithic contact |
Organic soil material |
Paralithic contact |
Saline soil material |
Tephric soil material | |
Vitric soil material | |
Profile forms | |
Gley profile form | |
Mottled profile form | |
Features | |
Fluvial features | |
Perch-gley features | |
Sodic features |
Other differentiae | |
Crumb structure | |
Reactive-aluminium test |
Redox segregations |
23.2 Following the Key to Orders
In addition to the diagnostics above, successful navigation of the Key may require documentation of the following:
Order | Requirement |
Anthropic Soils | Evidence of profile truncation (compare site with surrounding landform(s)) |
Organic Soils | |
Gley Soils |
Ultic Soils |
Podzols | Field test: pH |
Allophanic Soils | |
Pumice Soils | |
Melanic Soils |
Semiarid Soils | Field test: Calcium carbonate, pH |
Oxidic Soils | |
Granular Soils |
Pallic Soils |
Brown Soils | |
Recent Soils | |
Raw Soils |