23  The New Zealand Soil Classification


December 31, 2024

Classifying a profile according to the NZSC (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024) requires the following steps:

23.1 Identifying Diagnostic features

The descriptive parameters that help define the NZSC Diagnostic features are outlined in Table 23.1; see (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024) for the full definitions. Any or all of the listed parameters may be required for a confident diagnosis.

Table 23.1: Description requirements for NZSC Diagnostic Features (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024)
Diagnostic feature Identification requirements
Horizons, pans and layers
Argillic horizon
Brittle-B horizon
Calcareous horizon
Cutanic horizon
Cutanoxidic horizon
Distinct topsoil
Eluvial horizon
Nodular horizon
Oxidic Horizon
Peaty topsoil
Placic horizon
Podzolic-B horizon
Redox-mottled horizon
Reductimorphic horizon
Slowly permeable layer
Weathered-B horizon
  • Matrix colour (relative to deeper layers)
  • Structure (relative to deeper layers)
  • Evidence of carbonate loss (relative to deeper layers)
Soil materials and contacts
Allophanic soil material
Anthropic soil material
Lithic contact
  • Substrate rock presence
  • Horizon degree of weathering
Organic soil material
Paralithic contact
Saline soil material
Tephric soil material
Vitric soil material
Profile forms
Gley profile form
Mottled profile form
Fluvial features
Perch-gley features
Sodic features
Other differentiae
Crumb structure
Reactive-aluminium test
  • Field test: NaF
Redox segregations

23.2 Following the Key to Orders

In addition to the diagnostics above, successful navigation of the Key may require documentation of the following:

Table 23.2: Additional description requirements for NZSC Key to Orders (Hewitt and MWLR Pedology Staff, 2024)
Order Requirement
Anthropic Soils Evidence of profile truncation (compare site with surrounding landform(s))
Organic Soils
Gley Soils
Ultic Soils
Podzols Field test: pH
Allophanic Soils
Pumice Soils
Melanic Soils
Semiarid Soils Field test: Calcium carbonate, pH
Oxidic Soils
Granular Soils
Pallic Soils
Brown Soils
Recent Soils
Raw Soils