15  Horizon texture


December 28, 2024

Texture refers to the behaviour of the fine-earth fraction when thoroughly reworked under moist conditions. Texture provides a field estimate of particle size distribution, which is determined in the laboratory. The two measurements are analogous but not identical.

Soil texture is a rapid method that can suggest information about clay mineral type, angularity or roundedness in the sand and silt fractions, organic matter content, and the influence of secondary minerals, as well as the mineral particle size distribution itself. However, the method has precision limits and requires careful user calibration.

Laboratory particle size measurement can involve measurements of particle shape and mineralogy but these methods are labour-intensive and generally confined to a research context. High-throughput analyses confine themselves to assessment of particle size alone, making assumptions about shape and mineralogy (see Loveland and Whalley (2001), for a more detailed discussion.)

Particle size analysis usually involves removal of organic materials and soluble minerals as well as more aggressive aggregate dispersion using shaking and chemical solutions. Following dispersion, measurements of 3-8 specific size fractions are recorded. These data are then usually summarised into a three part sand/silt/clay composition and classified against a texture triangle for efficient communication.

The boundaries of these three size fractions are somewhat unsettled. The silt-clay boundary aligns with some major changes in particle properties; chief among them the emergence of electrostatic behaviour in the clay fraction. The sand/silt boundary can range from 0.02-0.063 µm. See Table 15.1 for the fractions used in NZ and other jurisdictions.

Table 15.1: Size fraction limits: New Zealand and elsewhere
Jurisdiction Sand Silt Clay
New Zealand, UK < 2.0 mm < 0.06 mm < 0.002 mm
Australia < 2.0 mm < 0.02 mm < 0.002 mm
USA, Canada < 2.0 mm < 0.05 mm < 0.002 mm
Global < 2.0 mm < 0.063 mm < 0.002 mm

15.1 Texture classes

Sand/silt/clay compositional data can be displayed on a triangle plot (see Figure 15.1), and domains within the plot, or ‘texture classes’, are labelled for ease of communication. It is important to remember that these classes do not have sharp changes in hand-feel texture at their boundaries. A very large number of soil texture triangles have been defined in different jurisdictions.

Figure 15.1: New Zealand Soil Texture Triangle
Table 15.2: New Zealand Texture Triangle class names and compositional limits
Code Name Clay range Silt range Sand range
S Sand < 8% < 20% ≥ 80%
LS Loamy Sand < 8% ≥ 12 - < 40% ≥ 52 - < 80%
SL Sandy Loam ≥ 8 - < 18% 0 - < 40% ≥ 42 - < 92%
LZ Loamy Silt < 18% ≥ 40 - < 82% < 60%
Z Silt < 18% ≥ 82% < 18%
SC Sandy Clay Loam ≥ 18 - < 35% <15% ≥ 50 - < 82%
CL Clay Loam ≥ 18 - < 35% ≥ 15 - < 40% ≥ 25 - < 67%
ZL Silt Loam ≥ 18 - < 35% ≥ 40 - < 82% < 42%
LC Loamy Clay ≥ 35 - < 60% < 30% ≥ 10 - < 65%
ZC Silty Clay ≥ 35 - < 60% ≥ 30 - < 65 % < 35%
C Clay ≥ 60% < 40% < 40%

15.1.1 Generalised texture classes

Generalised mineral texture classes for rapid assessment and simple communication are supplied below.

Table 15.3: Generalised soil texture classes
Code Name Description
C Clayey Clay content ≥ 35%, texture class C, LC or ZC
Z Silty Clay content < 35%, silt content ≥ 40%; texture class Z, LZ, ZL
L Loamy Clay content 8 - 35%, silt content < 40%; texture class SL, SC, CL
S Sandy Clay content < 8, silt content, < 40%, texture class S, LS
R Rocky Fine earth fraction < 15%, dominated by rock fragments > 2 mm

15.2 Recording soil texture

Soil texture is preferably assessed in the field but can also be assessed from representative bagged samples. Follow the procedure in @fig-texturing. Record one texture code from Table 15.2 per horizon. If desired, add modifiers as discussed below.

@fig-texturing goes here

15.2.1 Sand modifiers

Hand-texture classes can be accompanied by additional information about the sand fraction. These codes can be appended to a texture class as a prefix, e.g. (K)LS for coarse loamy sand.

Note that appreciable coarse sand in a sample leads to underestimates of clay content in hand texturing.

Table 15.4: Sand fraction qualifiers
Code Name Description
K Coarse Sand is dominantly 2.0 - 0.6 mm
M Medium Sand is dominantly 0.6 - 0.2 mm
F Fine Sand is dominantly 0.2 - 0.06 mm

15.2.2 Organic modifiers

Hand-texture classes can also be modified to express the presence of elevated soil organic matter and its degree of decomposition (where it remains below the 50% cutoff for organic soil materials, see below). These codes can be appended to a texture class as a suffix, e.g. SL(T) for slightly organic sandy loam. If more detail is desired, organic material type and decomposition can also be appended using Table 15.6 and Table 15.7, e.g. SL(TRM) for a sandy loam containing ~20% visible but degraded flax leaf fragments.

Either of the organic matter abundance qualifiers can be used to signify the ‘peaty topsoil’ NZSC diagnostic.

Table 15.5: Organic matter qualifiers - amount
Code Name Description
T Slightly organic 17-30% organic matter
P Moderately organic 30-50% organic matter

15.3 Particle size estimate

Estimating particle size in the field involves compensating for the influences described above and arriving at estimates of sand and clay content (silt can be determined by difference). Record estimated clay and sand to the nearest whole percent. Optionally, add a separate error estimate (± x%) as an expression of confidence.

Example: (K)LS, 70 ± 5% sand, 3% clay for a coarse loamy sand.

15.4 Organic soil materials

Where a horizon is dominated by organic rather than mineral materials (>50% organic matter), the coding system described above is replaced by first describing the organic material type encountered, according to Table 15.6. Where the dominant species contributing to the organic materials can be identified with confidence, they may also be noted as free text.

Table 15.6: Organic material types
Code Name Description
M Moss Organic materials dominantly derived from moss and/or herb species e.g. Sphagnum spp.
R Reed Organic materials dominantly derived from grasses, reeds, flaxes or similar e.g. Phormium spp.
T Tree Organic materials dominantly derived from woody shrubs and trees, e.g. Kānuka
U Unknown Origin of organic materials cannot be identified with confidence

15.4.1 Decomposition modifiers

The degree of decomposition can be added to the material type using Table 15.7, e.g. RM for a reed-dominated layer that is moderately decomposed.

Table 15.7: Organic matter qualifiers - decomposition
Code Name Description
F Fibric Organic matter weakly decomposed and dominated by visible plant remains
M Mesic Organic matter moderately decomposed, some visible plant structures but mostly amorphous
H Humic Organic matter no longer identifiable, minimal fibre content

The 10-point von Post scale of organic matter decomposition (Post 1922) was previously recommended for assessing the degree of organic material decomposition. The scale is no longer recommended as it has been criticised as overly subjective, and has been found inadequate for some materials (Beyer 2000; Grover and Baldock 2013; Whittington et al. 2021).

15.4.2 Mineral modifiers

Where a mineral fraction among the organic materials is appreciable, the organic texture code can be further modified using the codes in Table 15.3, e.g. RM(L) for a mesic, reed-derived peat with some loamy material mixed in.