

Property Characteristic Dimension Description
Command compulsory,
user-defined, default: empty
1 The command to be executed at a given iteration.
Environment compulsory
user-defined, default: empty
2 The set of environment variable definitions as required by the specified command for the given iteration.

Supported Image & Pipeline Features

Characteristic Details
Image dimensions n/a
Multi-band images n/a
Pipeline role stand alone
Sequential processing n/a
Parallel processing n/a


ExternalExec enables the integration of commandline-based programs or scripts into a LUMASS model (workflow). When ExternalExec is executed, LUMASS launches a separate process, establishes the specified Environment and executes the specified Command. Comannd output is forwareded to either the model’s log file or the Notifications window, depending on whether the model is run by the lumassengine or the LUMASS desktop (GUI) program.

Command Specification

The Command property can be used to specify any commandline-based program or script including its arguments that runs on the computer LUMASS is being executed on. The example below shows how LUMASS utilises a small utility script to run the gdal_rasterize command.

ExternalExec’s Command property

Environment Variable Definition

Environment variables for a given command for a given iteration are specified as <var_name>=<value>, e.g.


Evironment variable definition

External Utility Scripts

LUMASS ships with a small number of external utility scripts that execute certain externally provided functionality, such as GDAL applications or operating system commands. All scripts carry the *.bat file extension to enable model portability across Windows and Linux platforms. The scripts can be found in the usr/utils subidrectory of the LUMASS AppImage mountpoint, e.g. /tmp/.mount_lumassgWSfhy, on Linux or in the utils subdirectory of the main LUMASS folder, e.g. lumass-0.9.66, on Windows. On both systems, the path can be accessed from within a model with the LUMASS expression $[LUMASS:LUMASSPath]$/../utils (cf. ExternalExec’s Command property).

Script Functionality Synopsis
del.bat Deletion of files del.bat <path> <file>
gdal_polygonize.bat Vectorisation of images (raster) s. gdal.org
gdal_rasterize.bat Rasterisation of vectors (shape files) s. gdal.org
ogr2ogr.bat Vector file format conversion s. gdal.org

Important While LUMASS for Windows provides all necessary libraries and programs to successfully execute these scripts, Linux users need to install GDAL to utilise its functionality.